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Monday, 13 May 2013

How to Check internet usage in BSNL in windows

Hai friends everyone in my other website is asking how to check internet usage in BSNL broadband . You can do it with the help of some softwares . You can know how much data is used by you . Softwares to check internet usages are

1 .  TBB Meter 

TBB meter will monitor your internet usage . It will give you a real time graph on how you have using the internet , browsing speed ,  In this software it will allow you to test the internet speed.

This tool will help you to manage your usage to avoid incurring excess bandwidth fees or find your broadband provider slowing you down due to exceeding your monthly usage allowance.

2. BIT OS Meter 

It will give you real stats on your browsing , updation , uploading and downloading experience . It will give you  minute stats about the data  .It has the ability to zoom in a specific dates stats . It will helps you to notify you if your internet connection has a limited data plan.

3. Bandwidth Vista

It helps us monitoring attacks and checks internet usage on each page we are visiting. It uses geolocation mechanism on it. Once you install it you will see the map of the world. Other benifits of it are ping utility and notifications about alarming internet usage.

I hope this this article will help you  . Comment if you have any doubts.


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