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Monday, 20 May 2013

Increase 20% Internet Speed In Windows 7 , XP by Disabling Reserved Speed

In this post i am here to explain about how to increase sped in windows 7 or  XP.
Here is a Simple Tweak to Increase Internet Speed on For Windows XP pro. this tweak will only work in Windows XP Professional. and will  work in windows 7 or 8.

Steps to Increase Internet Speed

Make sure you have logged in As Administrator. not by Administrator privileges.

Follow the steps Carefully.

1.Click on Start Button.
2.Select Run from the Start menu.
3.Type gpedit.msc
4.Expand the [Administrative Templates] branch
 5.Then Expand the [Network] branch.
6.Highlight (Select by Single Click)  [QoS Packet Scheduler]
7.Double-click [Limit Reservable Bandwidth] (Available in Right Side Panel).
 8.Check(Select By Single Click on it) [Enabled]
9.Change [Bandwidth limit %] to 0 %
10.Click [OK] Button.
11.Restart Your PC.
11.Now check your Internet Speed.
12Enjoy Increased Internet Speed


  1. my windows cant find gpedit.msc..
    wat 2 do ?

    1. Only type gpedit.msc no additional characters must be inserted like you have added two full stops after that

  2. this is surely work
    first i get 1.18 mbps download speed at
    but now i get 1.58 download speed at same site.

    thanks bro

    1. Thanks Bro for your valuable comment . Keep visiting

  3. it isnt working, i followed the steps, but still getting the same speed as previous! will it be taking more than 24 hours?

    1. @sandeep Rawat , Bro it need some time to fix it. The time range will vary on the versions of windows.

  4. sure, its windows 7 home basic. it'll be very help if u could fix it, speed is getting reduced.

    1. @sandeep Rawat , Bro I think you have done it wrongly please recheck or redo it

  5. there's no change, according to 525 plan, speed was 512 upto 4 gb or so, then got reduced to 256kbps. anyway thats not much of my concern. problem is your method isnt working, i did it again. please elaborate me the whole steps again, or inbox me in my fb id

  6. These all are craps. Even a professional hacker can t byepass bsnl internet bandwidth. dont wate your times guys.

